Whether a health system constructs a freestanding
LTACH or incorporates a hospital-in-hospital (HiH)
structure, medically complex patients can receive the
specialized care they need.
By incorporating an HiH, a hospital is able to offer
specialty services within the system’s continuum of care,
opening the door to more high-quality programs that will
positively impact both the facility and the community it
serves. The HiH structure, combining multiple levels of
medical, rehabilitative and psychological services tied to
a single system, also supports continuity of physician and
specialist oversight of patient care.
An additional benefit of integrating an HiH structure into
a health system is bed flexibility, which enables providers
to efficiently and effectively meet changing patient
needs. This was illustrated during the COVID-19 public
health emergency, when bed flexibility was crucial for
hospitals to ensure adequate capacity. The drastic rise of
medically complex patients with multiple comorbidities,
COVID and those with neurological conditions will
continue to create the need for health systems to offer
specialized care within their continuum to ensure the best
possible outcomes.
Integrating an LTACH into a hospital’s care continuum
is a key step in addressing the unique needs of the
medically complex and critically ill patient population.
In order to strengthen the long-term acute care offering,
health systems are looking for an experienced and
trusted partner who is well-equipped to address and
handle the complexities and sensitivities brought on by
this population.