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Quality Outcomes Hero

Achieving Quality Outcomes

With physician-led, long-term acute care and specialized rehabilitation, Kindred Hospitals helps medically complex patients recover after a hospital stay.

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Improving Outcomes and Patient Satisfaction

Kindred Hospitals offers quality treatment and rehabilitation that improves outcomes for medically complex patients.


of Kindred Hospitals' CAUTI rates are better or no different than expected1


of Kindred Hospitals' CLABSI rates are better or no different than expected1


of Kindred Hospitals' readmission rates are equivalent to or better than the national average1


of patients are able to meet a high level of mobility, based on the Johns Hopkins Level of Mobility Scale2


of Kindred Hospitals’ rates of discharge to community or home are equivalent to or better than the national average1


of patients surveyed "would recommend" Kindred Hospitals3

Making Recovery Possible

After being hospitalized for Guillain-Barre syndrome, Adam transferred to a Kindred Hospital with paralysis and respiratory failure. Motivated by a picture of his two young boys, Adam worked hard with his interdisciplinary care team to be liberated from the ventilator and regain his ability to move. Now he is at home again with his family, living every day to the fullest.
When 22-year-old Cayden experienced extensive brain damage, his parents were told that the outlook was bleak. But as a patient at Kindred Hospital, Cayden received specialized care from an interdisciplinary team that helped him start on the road to recovery.
Tim came to a Kindred Hospital after an episode of double pneumonia and septic shock. But he had a goal: To recover enough to escort his daughter down the aisle at her upcoming wedding. With the help of the hospital's interdisciplinary team of caregivers, Tim achieved his goal.
After a stay at her community hospital, Makala admitted to Kindred Hospital with complex medical problems, including respiratory failure. Through a customized care plan and comprehensive rehabilitation, Makala was able to fully recover and discharge home.


  1. National Data Source, CMS LTCH Compare data (10/2021-9/30/2022)
  2. Kindred Internal Data, 2023 Average; https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/physical_medicine_rehabilitation/education_training/amp/toolkit.html; “high level of mobility” defined as a score of 4 or better.
  3. Kindred Internal Data