A courageous comeback to return home.
William was struck down by a rare disease called Guillain-Barre syndrome and was paralyzed as his immune system attacked his nervous system, including cranial nerve involvement.
Learn more about William
He subsequently went into acute respiratory failure and required the placement of a tracheostomy in order for a ventilator to support his breathing and a feeding tube to provide nutrition.
When he came to Kindred Hospital, his treatment was very complicated as he was not only paralyzed, but he was also unable to communicate. His multidisciplinary team of nurses, respiratory specialists, physicians and occupational and rehab therapists worked with William to reverse the course of the disease and help him regain as much functionality and independence as possible.
Over the course of several months, William progressed slowly from being completely unable to move, to being able to sit in a chair, and eventually was able to guide a wheelchair with head movements. As his pulmonary function returned, he was successfully weaned from the ventilator and had the tracheostomy tube removed.
“There were a lot of highs and lows,” William recounted. “I went from being in pain and not being able to tell anyone anything, to getting up in the wheelchair and going outside for the first time in months. Being able to do simple things again, like eating a pudding and drinking some juice felt so amazing – it’s been a long, hard road I’ve travelled.”
William was discharged from Kindred to his home after being here for over 8 months. Before he left he was beginning to regain some ability and basic movement in his arms and legs and plans to continue on his journey to recovery.
All of us at Kindred want to take this opportunity to wish you all the best, William! Your courage and determination are an inspiration and we hope that you are able to regain your health in full and that you’ll come to visit us when you’re better!
Almost ready to go home again.
Bryony was suffering from a cold that was progressively getting worse when she tripped and fell down.
Learn more about Byrony
She was down on the floor for several hours before EMS was called to the scene and she was rushed to the hospital.
At the hospital, she was diagnosed with acute respiratory failure and required a tracheostomy in order for a ventilator to support her breathing. Physicians also diagnosed Bryony with congestive heart disease and began treatment for her condition.
Once she was stabilized, she was transferred to Kindred Hospital Aurora for respiratory therapy and rehabilitation. When she first arrived, Bryony was completely dependent on her team of caregivers for all her needs. “”It was kind of scary,” Bryony shared. “When I woke up on a vent I had no idea what was going on. It was when I came to Kindred and the staff helped me calm down and get through this. It also helped that they have a great sense of humor too!”
Her care team helped Bryony turn the corner and make excellent strides toward her recovery. She was able to successfully wean from the ventilator when she could breathe on her own again. Her physical and occupational therapists worked with her to recover her independence and soon had Bryony on her feet again and walking with minimal assistance.
Just before she was discharged to a skilled nursing facility, Bryony shared additional insights into her recovery: “The biggest challenge for me was learning to walk again. The therapy team was so supportive and all the staff would cheer me on – their support made all the difference in my recovery. Now I’m really looking forward to seeing my child, spending time outside – and not having to wear a hospital gown anymore!”