“Thank God we found Kindred.”
When 22-year-old Cayden experienced extensive brain damage, his parents were told that the outlook was bleak.
Learn more about Cayden
But as a patient at Kindred Hospital Louisville at Jewish Hospital, Cayden received specialized care from an interdisciplinary team that helped him start on the road to recovery.
“I had a very good stay here at Kindred.”
Before she had to be hospitalized for respiratory failure, severe confusion and hallucinations, Emily was a volunteer at a food pantry and also assisted seniors.
Learn more about Emily
When she was first admitted to Kindred Hospital Louisville at Jewish Hospital, Emily was still dependent on a ventilator and very weak. As she began to recover, thanks to the efforts of her respiratory team and caregivers, Emily made steady progress and was able to be weaned from the ventilator. She then started to work with her rehab team to recover her mobility and independence. With a positive attitude and a great deal of motivation to get better so she could return home, Emily applied herself eagerly to her therapy sessions and was soon able to get back up on her feet, walk with a rolling walker and perform the tasks of daily life.
“I had a very good stay here at Kindred,” Emily shared before she was discharged to go back home. “Of course I had my favorites, but everyone on staff was very nice. I’m just ready to get back to being busy again!”
“I am thankful to so many people at Kindred for the care you gave me!”
After Katie’s sore throat became worse and she began to have trouble breathing she was admitted to an acute care hospital and diagnosed with COVID-19.
Learn more about Katie
She was placed on a ventilator and remained at the facility in the ICU in critical condition until she was finally able to be stabilized and then transferred to Kindred Hospital Louisville at Jewish Hospital. Still dependent on the ventilator, Katie was started on respiratory therapy. Although she faced several challenges during her recovery, with steady support from her family and team of caregivers she gradually made progress until she was able to be taken off the ventilator. Katie then was able to begin working with her speech pathologist and rehab team and steadily recovered her independence, allowing her to be discharged from Kindred to return home needing only supplemental oxygen.
“I am thankful to so many people at Kindred for the care you gave me!” Katie shared before she left the facility. “I am so ready to get home to my family and getting puppy cuddles from my dog.”
Determined to Heal and be Able to Return Home
Eydie and her son own and operate a German roasted nut company with several locations in the Louisville area. When she started developing abdominal pains that progressively became worse and a fever that rose quickly she went to the hospital and had to undergo several gastrointestinal surgeries.
Learn more about Eydie
She began her recovery and started receiving IV antibiotic treatments before she was transferred to Kindred Hospital Louisville at Jewish Hospital.
When Eydie first arrived at Kindred, she was unable to move on her own and required maximum assistance from her team of caregivers. She began to receive dedicated wound care with specialized equipment as well as ongoing medical management, IV antibiotic therapy and pain control. Eydie slowly but steadily started to make progress and she applied herself enthusiastically to all of her therapy sessions.
Determined to heal and be able to return home, Eydie progressed from being bed-bound and unable to get up without major assistance to getting up on her own, walking and regaining her independence over the activities of daily living. “When I was first admitted I couldn’t even sit up without assistance,” Eydie shared. “I truly don’t remember much about those first weeks, but because of the staff here and the acre I received now I can do things for myself and I can walk ‘around the block’ without having to stop much at all anymore. And although I have my favorite staff members, everyone here was truly kind and caring. I would never have gotten this far without each of my caregivers.”
Back Home With His Family
Walter was rushed to a general hospital suffering from a heart attack and had to have emergency coronary bypass surgery. Unfortunately, his ordeal wasn't yet over as he suffered from complications after the surgery and had to have a tracheostomy placed to assist his breathing with a ventilator.
Learn more about Walter
He was discharged to Kindred Hospital to continue his recovery and wean from the ventilator. During the course of his treatment however he developed additional complications related to the surgery and had to be re-admitted to the general hospital for additional surgical intervention and placement of a catheter to drain excess fluid building up around his heart and lungs.
Walter's condition stabilized and he returned to Kindred to continue his recovery. At first he had very little mobility and strength and required maximum assistance with all his needs, but he quickly began to recover and made rapid progress. His respiratory team was able to successfully wean Walter from the ventilator - he went from barely able to get up, to walking with minor assistance thanks to the efforts of his therapy team.
“I especially want to say thank you to Julie - my speech therapist" Walter said. "She helped me get my voice back and pass my swallow test so I could start eating a better diet.”
The plan called for Walter to transfer to a rehab facility, however, his wife Sharon saw how well he was doing and the family decided to have Walter return home. Sharon learned how to manage his tracheostomy care and with the right equipment back at home it was decided to let Walter continue to get better at home. "It has been four months since I have been home, and I didn't think I would ever get there" Walter shared. "I can't wait to feel the sunshine on my face and get back to doing things around my house.”
Walter, all of us at Kindred wish you the best and hope that your recovery continues and you're able to get back to full health!
Looking Forward to Living Her Life Again
Amanda was admitted to Kindred Hospital after a long stay at a general hospital where she was being treated for neurological and endocrine complications.
Learn more about Amanda
When she arrived at Kindred, Amanda had been in a hospital bed for three months and she was dependent on a ventilator to support her breathing. She was also dependent on a feeding tube for her nutrition and was extremely weak and disoriented. "I don't remember much about anything when I arrived at Kindred," Amanda said.
Under the care of her multidisciplinary team of physicians, therapists and nurses, Amanda began to recover. Her Respiratory Therapists were able to successfully wean her from the ventilator and, for the first time in months, Amanda was able to breathe on her own. She was also able to begin eating again, and, as her strength started to come back, she started working more aggressively with her Physical and Occupational Therapists. It was a day for celebration when she was able to stand again with minor assistance.
“For the first time in a long while I'm looking forward to getting back home and living my life again," Amanda said. "I have missed my husband, Wayne - he's my childhood sweetheart you know! And my son and our dog Callie, too.”
“I want to say that I am so thankful to everyone who cared for me while I was at Kindred," Amanda said. "There are too many people to mention by name, but I want you to know that each one of you has made a difference and helped me recover - thank you!"
Back Home After Facing a Near Death Experience
Darryl is a husband, father and farmer. Just weeks before his admission to the hospital, he was cutting enough firewood to get his family through most of the winter and bush-hogging 30 acres of land.
Learn more about Darryl
He was admitted to a regional hospital for a surgical procedure and developed complications during the surgery. His family was given dire news - Darryl only had a 10% chance of survival and they feared that his son, who lives 45 miles, away would not be able to make it in time to see his father. Fortunately, Darryl rallied and pulled though - he began to recover and was admitted to Kindred Hospital to begin the process of weaning from the ventilator, complete a course of antibiotic treatment, and begin rehab therapy.
At first Darryl was very weak and anxious about the weaning process. He had limited mobility and required maximum assistance for all his needs. His multidisciplinary care team and respiratory therapists worked together to help him regain his strength, and after a few attempts Darryl was finally able to wean from the ventilator completely and participate more fully in his physical rehab program. As he got stronger he was able to get up and walk on his own, and was overjoyed when he was discharged from Kindred to his home to continue his recovery surrounded by his family.
"I have been at Kindred for over two months," Darryl said. "I am so glad to be able to go home to be with my wife and children and to see and play with my 5 month old granddaughter - we call her 'Peanut'. I am also looking forward to seeing my dog and sitting on the back porch and watching our cows and goats - that will be really nice too."
Darryl, everyone at Kindred Hospital wishes you all the best and hope that you'll come to visit us when you're completely recovered.