“Thank you to everyone for the care you gave me”
Martin lived at home and was working up until the day he was hospitalized for severe abdominal bloating and pain.
Learn more about Martin
Martin lived at home and was working up until the day he was hospitalized for severe abdominal bloating and pain. He was placed on a ventilator when he developed respiratory failure and started on dialysis when his kidneys stopped functioning. Martin also began a course of IV antibiotic therapy and medication, remaining at the acute care facility until he could be transferred to Kindred Hospital San Antonio. At the beginning of his stay, Martin required a great deal of reassurance from his caregivers and support from his family. As he became more alert and oriented he was more engaged with his recovery and started to make progress. His respiratory therapists worked to wean him from the vent and his wound care nurse tended to his pressure wounds. During his stay, Martin made great progress with his rehab team. By the time he was ready to be discharged, he was walking with a rolling walker, his kidney function normalized, his wounds were healed and he was independent with all the tasks of daily life.
“Thank you to everyone for the care you gave me,” Martin shared. “I am looking forward to completing my recovery and going home again.”
Jose was active at home until he developed respiratory failure, after which he had to be admitted to a general hospital in San Antonio.
Learn more about Jose
Jose was active at home until he developed respiratory failure, after which he had to be admitted to a general hospital in San Antonio. While at the general hospital, Jose developed pneumonia and was placed on a ventilator and diagnosed with COPD. He remained at the facility until his condition was stable enough to be transferred to Kindred Hospital San Antonio Medical Center for further care.
Upon admission at Kindred, Jose was quickly evaluated by the care team and a strategic care plan was developed based upon his medical condition. Under the care team of specialized physicians, nurses and therapist and the drive to return home, Jose’s condition gradually improved with rigorous pulmonary rehab and therapy. During the 47 days, Jose applied himself and began to improve with minimal assistance in walking, while breathing freely and able to provide self-care. Jose was discharge to a lower level of care where he continues his road to recovery. The entire staff at Kindred wishes him the best on his road to recovery.
Albert is a retired school teach but was still working prior to a fall that led to his admission at a general hospital in San Antonio.
Learn more about Albert
Albert is a retired school teach but was still working prior to a fall that led to his admission at a general hospital in San Antonio. It was found that the patient was feeling weak and was showing signs of bowel obstruction. Once stabilized, Albert was transferred to Kindred Hospital San Antonio, for additional care and rehab. Upon admission, Albert required maximum assistance while in our care. Addressing the blockage and healing his wounds from the fall, Albert was able to ambulate with minimal assistance. He remained positive while being motivated by his spouse and care team and worked hard to achieve his goals of walking on this own.
Working with his rehab team to recover his mobility and strength, Albert quickly went from one success to another and was soon sitting up on the side of his bed and afterward standing on his own. After excelling in his rehab, Albert was discharged and returned home to his wife. Albert’s wife reached out to the team a few weeks after returning home and exclaimed that he was doing better and wanted to come back and visit those who helped him recover.
“The staff was wonderful! They helped me with everything I needed.”
Gerard was admitted to a general hospital in San Antonio when his family observed changes in his mental condition.
Learn more about Gerard
Gerard was admitted to a general hospital in San Antonio when his family observed changes in his mental condition. After admission, it was determined that Gerard suffered a cerebrovascular accident and stroke with several comorbidities, including type 2 diabetes, chronic kidney disease and hypertension. Once his condition improved, he was transferred to Kindred Hospital San Antonio for ongoing medical care and rehabilitation.
After arriving at Kindred Hospital San Antonio, Gerard was evaluated by the dedicated care team of physicians, nurses, and the rehab therapist (PT/OT/ST) while a care-plan was crafted for Gerard’s condition. Determined and motivated to return home and getting back to work, Gerard worked with his interdisciplinary team to improve his strength, mobility, and ADLs. He made steady progress every day and within two weeks after admission, Gerard was able stand and walk with a rolling walker while effectively performing stand ADLs (active daily living) activities. After his eighteen-days stay at Kindred, Gerard had regained his mobility and his independence and discharged home with home health. From the entire staff at Kindred, we with Gerard the best in his recovery. “The staff was wonderful! They helped me with everything I needed.”
Alejandro had a painful fall at home, leading to intense back pain.
Learn more about Alejandro
Alejandro had a painful fall at home, leading to intense back pain. Worried about his condition, Alejandro was rushed to a general hospital in San Antonio for medical attention. Alejandro was diagnosed with COVID-19, during his admission and experienced a cardiac arrest and respiratory failure, adding to his already precarious state. Despite the overwhelming circumstances, Alejandro's will to survive remained unwavering.
Once his condition stabilized, he was transferred to Kindred Hospital San Antonio, where he would receive specialized medical care and rehabilitation. He arrived at Kindred Hospital, heavily dependent on a ventilator to support his breathing. The first task was to wean Alejandro off the ventilator, which required meticulous care and attention. With perseverance and expertise, the team successfully accomplished this feat. This achievement not only improved Alejandro's respiratory health but also paved the way for further progress. Taking on one obstacle at a time, the Kindred team worked tirelessly to address Alejandro's pneumonia, enhancing his renal function to eliminate the need for hemodialysis, and regulating his blood sugar levels. Their comprehensive approach and unwavering support played a vital role in Alejandro's recovery. Collaborative efforts from the PT/OT/ST, utilizing various therapies and techniques helped Alejandro regain control over his body and regain his autonomy.
Passing all outcomes set by the care team, Alejandro was discharged from Kindred to a lower-level care where he continues his recovery. From the entire staff at Kindred, we wish him all the success.
“Thank you to my team at Kindred for everything you did for me.”
Esperanza was admitted to Kindred Hospital San Antonio for advanced wound
care. She was suffering from three major wounds and began to receive
treatment, but had to be subsequently discharged briefly to an acute care
facility for abdominal surgery and then re-admitted to Kindred to continue
with her recovery.
Learn more about Esperanza
At the beginning of her stay, Esperanza required maximum assistance from her
caregivers for all her needs and mobility, and a specialized mattress was
brought in to assist with the healing process. With dedicated care from a
team of physicians, wound care specialists, therapists and nurses, Esperanza
steadily progressed and began to recover her strength and mobility as her
wounds healed. After being at Kindred for just under a month, Esperanza was
now able to transfer out of her bed to a wheelchair and started walking
again with a rolling walker and minimum levels of assistance.
“Thank you to my team at Kindred for everything you did for me,”
Esperanza shared before she was discharged.
Orville is one step closer to home.
Orville lived at home with his wife until he developed respiratory failure,
after which had to be admitted to a general hospital and had to be placed on a
Learn more about Orville
He remained at the facility until he had been stabilized, and was then
transferred to Kindred Hospital San Antonio for respiratory therapy,
advanced wound care and rehabilitation. When he arrived at Kindred Orville
was mostly unresponsive and disoriented. He had also developed severe
pressure wounds from prolonged bedrest and his kidney function was
compromised as well. Under the care from a team of physicians, therapists,
nurses and nursing assistants, Orville began to improve. His respiratory
team successfully liberated him from the ventilator and he became able to
communicate with his caregivers as his cognitive faculties improved. His
wounds were healed, and Orville was also able to begin to drink and eat a
modified diet. By the time he was ready to be discharged to continue his
journey to recovery, Orville was able to walk short distances with a rolling
walker and looked forward to returning home soon.
“Never give up, because you never know how things will work out!”
Peter is a retired Army veteran who had to be admitted to an acute care
facility with a severe non-healing wound on the left side of his face.
Learn more about Peter
He was diagnosed with a septic infection that subsequently led to
respiratory failure, and he had to be placed on a ventilator and started on
IV antibiotic therapy. Once Peter had been stabilized he was transferred to
Kindred Hospital San Antonio where he could receive advanced wound care,
respiratory therapy and rehabilitation. Peter was immediately started on
aggressive respiratory treatments, and within a few days was able to be
weaned from the vent. His rehab team focused on helping Peter regain his
strength and mobility, and he advanced from being bedbound to being able to
get up and walk. His wound care nurse applied advanced techniques, helping
his facial wound to nearly heal completely by the time he was ready to be
“Never give up, because you never know how things will work
out!” Peter said before he left Kindred.
“I appreciate the care I received here at Kindred, thank you!”
Renee was admitted to Kindred Hospital San Antonio after being hospitalized at
an acute care facility for respiratory failure.
Learn more about Renee
She was dependent on a ventilator and her caregivers for all her needs and
she also required advanced wound care for a serious lesion she had
developed. As Renee began to receive respiratory therapy she steadily
improved and became more engaged with her recovery. Despite a small setback
early on, Renee made continuous progress until she was finally able to be
taken off the ventilator and could then engage more effectively with her
rehab therapists. As she regained her strength and mobility Renee began to
be able to do more for herself and was soon back up on her feet and walking
with a rolling walker, requiring only minimal assistance from her
“I appreciate the care I received here at Kindred, thank you!”
Renee shared before she was discharged to continue her journey to recovery.
After battling COVID-19, Sylvia is on the road to recovery.
Sylvia began to have difficulty breathing and had to be hospitalized when her
condition became worse.
Learn more about Sylvia
She was diagnosed with COVID-19 and started on high-flow oxygen, and then
had to be placed on a ventilator as her lungs began to fail. She remained at
the acute care facility until she was able to be transferred to Kindred
Hospital San Antonio Medical Center to receive respiratory therapy and
rehabilitation. Sylvia needed encouragement and support from her caregivers
at first, then once she began to make progress she became more engaged and
started to recover her lung strength until she was successfully weaned from
the ventilator. Her wound care nurse helped her heal a complex pressure
wound, and with help from her rehab team Sylvia was able to get back up on
her feet and start walking again as she worked hard to recover her
independence and mobility.