Healthcare Headlines Blog

  • Why LTAC Hospitals are often the Right Choice for Critically Ill Patients

    By Sean R. Muldoon, MD, MPH, FCCP, Chief Medical Officer, Kindred Hospitals
    Choosing the right care path for critically ill patients is essential to achieving optimal outcomes for both patients and providers. For patients, without the right clinical capabilities and surrounding environment in which to recover, they may suffer medical setbacks that impede recovery. For providers, such as hospitals, major penalties (including extensive fines) can be incurred due to patients readmitting after discharge. Read Full Post
  • Five Healthcare Trends in 2020: Your Cheat Sheet

    By Sean R. Muldoon, MD, MPH, FCCP, Chief Medical Officer, Kindred Hospitals

    In 2020, our nation’s healthcare delivery and payment environment will continue its multi-year evolution. While some key trends will continue and expand, 2020 also brings new trends that will have a significant impact on healthcare providers across the continuum. 

    Check out this quick guide on the top five trends to watch in 2020 and why they matter.

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  • Reducing Respiratory Failure Readmissions While COPD Is on the Rise

    By Sean R. Muldoon, MD, MPH, FCCP, Chief Medical Officer, Kindred Hospitals
    By 2030, COPD is projected to be the third most common cause of death and is already the third most common reason for hospital readmission. Because clinical capabilities vary across post-acute settings, it is important to identify downstream partners who can provide expert care for complex pulmonary patients. Take a look at this guide for key strategies to improve outcomes for this at risk population. Read Full Post
  • Treating Sepsis in a World of Value-Based Care

    By Sean R. Muldoon, MD, MPH, FCCP, Chief Medical Officer, Kindred Hospitals

    A recent study indicates that the incidence of sepsis among hospitalized patients is increasing by 8.7% per year.Due to the severity of the condition, these patients are at a high risk of returning to an acute care setting to receive the appropriate clinical treatment.

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  • The Importance of Post-Acute Care Within ACOs

    By Kindred Healthcare

    Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) have been around for nearly a decade, but ongoing changes to the model can be hard to keep up with. As a result, there is often a misconception that only short-term acute care hospitals are included in ACOs. In reality, long-term acute care hospitals play a vital role as well.

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  • Tackling Physician Engagement: 3 Steps You Can Take Today

    By Kindred Healthcare
    Engagement with physicians on your staff can impact far more than retention. It can also affect patient experience, care quality and organizational costs – in fact, it can weigh heavily on the overall success of an organization. Building a strong physician engagement strategy that works for your institution or team can start with a few practical steps to identify the areas of opportunity. Read Full Post
  • Why Rehab Is a Key Factor for ICU Patient Outcomes

    By Sean R. Muldoon, MD, MPH, FCCP, Chief Medical Officer, Kindred Hospitals

    Research demonstrates the benefit of rehabilitation for high acuity patients; however, not all patients receive this important care. Many patients coming out of the ICU need more time to recover in an acute-care setting for a full recovery. These post-intensive care patients can benefit from continued acute-level care paired with specialized rehabilitation therapies.

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  • Improve Patient Outcomes through Post-Discharge Virtual Care

    By Sean R. Muldoon, MD, MPH, FCCP, Chief Medical Officer, Kindred Hospitals

    New approaches to care management are required as our nation faces a wave of aging Americans with new and increasing healthcare needs. Adding headwinds to this scenario are the anticipated physician shortage and a continued push toward value-based care.

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  • Studies show that keeping hospital patients in bed or in a chair can increase the likelihood of muscle atrophy, blood clots and bed sores. Such research and recent federal initiatives highlight the benefits that early mobility can have on a patient’s recovery. Read Full Post
  • 5 Healthcare Trends in 2019: Your Cheat Sheet

    By Kindred Healthcare

    In 2019, significant changes taking place in healthcare will help trigger major shifts in our nation’s healthcare system, including new services available to the aging population.

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