Healthcare Headlines Blog

  • In today’s healthcare environment, there is an increasing focus on what happens to your patients before and after they come through your system. Know how you can make an impact by creating partnerships between acute and post-acute providers to avoid financial penalties and adverse patient outcomes for high acuity patients. Read Full Post
  • Healthcare Headlines: December 2018

    By Kindred Healthcare

    Do Concerns About Costs Impact ICU Care?

    Findings in a new study suggest that financial considerations can shape care of ICU patients. Increased prevalence of cost discussions were found in patient notes the longer the hospital stay of a patient in the ICU and when there was a change in treatment or discharge plans. Read more

    93% of participants earned a MIPS bonus payment this year. (But it could be harder next year)

    CMS Administrator Seema Verma recently announced that 93% of clinicians eligible to participate in MACRA's Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) received a bonus payment for the 2017 performance year. Read more

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  • The Impact of Early Mobility on Patient Recovery

    By Kim Harwell, PT | Senior Director of Quality, KHRS – LTACHs

    Studies show that keeping hospital patients in bed or in a chair can increase the likelihood of muscle atrophy, blood clots and bed sores. For some patients, immobilization – even for a few days – can lead to a permanent functional decline.

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  • Major Shift in Healthcare: The Top Changes to Know in 2018

    By Susan Feeney, Senior Director of Communications and Public Policy, Kindred Healthcare

    In 2018, seismic changes taking place in healthcare will help trigger the evolution of our nation’s healthcare system, including services available to the aging population.

    Healthcare Trends Infographic Consolidation

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  • Reducing Readmissions: Enhance Your Information Exchange Across Care Settings

    By Rob Wileman, VP IT Enterprise Architectures & Analytics
    Errors during the exchange of patient information between acute and post-acute settings often lead to higher patient and family dissatisfaction, an increased risk of readmission and higher costs of care. Due to the lack of electronic medical record adoption and overall system limitations to meet the needs of complex patients, providers must consider all options to improve acute to post-acute information exchange. Read Full Post
  • Understanding MACRA: Your Quick Reference Guides

    By Kindred Healthcare
    If you aren’t ready for the impact of MACRA, now is the time to prepare. Even though the CMS released the final rule on MACRA implementation in 2016, and the first performance period under MACRA began in January 2017, there still seems to be a lot of confusion as to what it actually is. Read Full Post
  • As a healthcare professional, keeping up with the key trends that drive consumers’ decisions is integral to your success and the health of your patients. There are three key consumer trends, all heavily influenced by the Baby Boomer population, driving the industry in 2017 and beyond that you should know about. Read Full Post
  • Pure Oxygen, Amazing Results: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for WoundsHyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a process in which a patient breathes 100 percent oxygen at above-normal atmospheric pressure. The process increases the delivery of oxygen to the body, enhancing the body’s natural healing process.

    The Hyperbaric Manager at Kindred Hospital Kansas City has seen the positive effects of HBOT on persistent wounds firsthand.

    "For those who have tried other therapies with no results, they can find great benefits with hyperbaric oxygen wound therapy," she says. It can be "life-changing," she adds, when a patient no longer has to deal with a wound that wouldn't heal and was impacting his daily life. Read Full Post
  • Frequently Asked Questions About Kindred Long-Term Acute Care HospitalsPatients, their family members and friends are often overwhelmed during care transitions so we have compiled some frequently asked questions about our long-term acute care hospitals. Whether you are a patient, loved one or healthcare professional, here are a few things about our transitional care hospitals you should know: Read Full Post
  • Communicating with Aphasia

    By Kindred Healthcare

    Aphasia is a little-known language disorder that affects nearly one-third of stroke victims. It occurs when there is damage to the communications hub in the left side of the brain. While aphasia disrupts communication skills, it does not affect a person’s thinking skills.

    There are many types of aphasia, but the most general categories are receptive and expressive aphasia. With receptive aphasia, the person can hear a voice or read print, but may not understand the meaning of the message. With expressive aphasia, the person knows what he or she wants to say yet has difficulty communicating it to others.

    Someone with receptive aphasia may:

    • Have difficulty comprehending what others say
    • Have difficulty with reading comprehension
    • Be unaware that they are using words incorrectly

    Someone with expressive aphasia may:

    • Be able to understand what others say
    • Have difficulty saying what they are thinking
    • Speak in a jumbled manner
    • Say a word different than the one they want to say
    • Have difficulty writing
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